Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Treatment

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Cleveland, TN | Free Consultations

We’re willing to bet you know someone who snores. Whether you’re the one performing the nighttime symphony or it’s a significant other beside you, snoring can easily keep you up all night. While snoring may seem normal, it can sometimes signal a serious issue. Many persistent snorers experience obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In one study, 96% of patients who snore were found to have mild to severe OSA. Though it may seem harmless, OSA can lead to serious health problems, such as cardiac issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, and more. If you snore, we recommend seeing a medical professional who can diagnose the cause. If you have sleep apnea, our dentists can help you manage the condition by providing a custom dental appliance to keep your airway open and reduce snoring.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Cleveland, TN | Free Consultations

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when your airway passage is blocked, most often due to the collapse of soft tissue in the throat while you sleep. This condition can interrupt your breathing, possibly waking you up gasping for air. If left untreated, repeated episodes of blocked airways can be dangerous and even life-threatening.

Here are signs of sleep apnea you should watch out for:

  • Loud and snoring: Snoring can be common for many individuals. But those with OSA snore louder and more persistently. If you constantly snore and wake people up, you may have sleep apnea.
  • Breathing pauses: Obstructive sleep apnea can cause you to stop breathing while you sleep. These pauses can be difficult to notice on your own, but a partner or friend nearby can often detect them.
  • Gasping for air during sleep: This reflex occurs when you resume breathing after a sleep apnea episode. When your breathing begins after a pause, it may be in large, panicked breaths due to a lack of oxygen.
  • Morning headaches: Waking up with morning headaches could be a sign of OSA. When you stop breathing for periods during sleep, the reduced oxygen levels can impact your body, leading to headaches and affecting your well-being even after you wake up.
  • Sleep disturbances: Not sleeping through the night can lead to problems with attention, concentration, and memory. Lack of sleep can also cause irritability and, if recurring, depression.
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Treatment for OSA

One of the most frequently used treatments for sleep apnea is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. These machines constantly flow pressurized air to your nose and/or mouth, keeping your airway open. While a CPAP machine can be effective, some people find it uncomfortable or difficult to use. The mask component that covers the airways can cause feelings of claustrophobia in some individuals. Because CPAP therapy is not suitable or tolerable for everyone, dentists and sleep specialists have developed alternative solutions.

Oral appliance therapy is one of the most effective treatments for sleep apnea. A mandibular advancement device (MAD) is a set of trays you place over your teeth at night. These devices gently pull your lower jaw forward, keeping the airway open. MADs are custom-fit for your teeth and keep your throat open to prevent the collapse of soft tissue in the throat. Breathing unobstructed through the night is only a dream for some, but with MADs, it can be a reality.

Another option is a tongue-retaining device, which holds the tongue in place. When your tongue blocks your airways, you can exacerbate your sleep apnea episodes. A tongue-retaining device can prevent this. Some may be unable to comfortably use the mandibular device, so this oral appliance offers an alternative.

The dental approach to sleep apnea treatment is effective but requires follow-ups and adjustments. Over time, we will need to replace or alter your device to ensure maximum effectiveness and comfort. The Center for Cosmetic Dentistry has been treating sleep apnea for years, so you can trust our skilled doctors with your sleep apnea treatment.

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Breathe Easy With A Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance!

While snoring can seem harmless, severe obstructive sleep apnea can have serious consequences. Repeated airway blockages and apnea episodes can be detrimental to your health, so seeking treatment is essential. At the Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer CPAP alternatives that open your airways without discomfort or hassle. Contact us today for a free consultation to discover how our oral appliance therapy can help you sleep better and improve your overall well-being!

If you want to know more about our obstructive sleep apnea treatment and other procedures that can change your life, follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

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